July 27th: Trial for disclosure of reasons for detention(7/16 Suppression Relief Campaign)

On July 19, unjustly, the Tachikawa District Court granted an extension of detention for the arrestees of the July 16 Musashino crackdown.
The deadline for extending the detention is July 27. We are working for the recapture of our arrested friend as soon as possible.
Please join us in the following actions: At the hearing on July 27th to disclose the reasons for the detention, our friend will appear in court to speak. Please join us in the following actions.

The following is a schedule of actions of the relief group against the suppression of the protest against the Musashino “Torch” ceremony on July 16
July 25: Protest at Musashino Police Station, 2:00 p.m. @ JR Mitaka station, under the stairs at the north exit
July 27th: Trial for disclosure of reasons for detention: Meet at 3:00 @ Tachikawa District Court (Tokyo District Court Tachikawa Branch, Courtroom 102) *The court hearing starts at 4:00

Transfer of relief money] Postal transfer 00150-8-66752 (Account name: Law Center for Tama Workers)

Please make sure to write “7/16 Suppression Relief Campaign” in the correspondence column.


7月 27 2021


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


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